
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Wow. Where to even begin. We start our final day tomorrow, and I literally can’t believe how fast it flew by. I feel like we just got here, yet that was 9? Maybe 10 days ago. 

Needless to say, it’s been BUSY! We’ve had a packed schedule from the time we woke up til we finally put our heads on the pillow at night. The girls have been thriving. They love the girls who have been babysitting them and are such a fan of the three kids we’ve been living with here in Gainesville. Everybody needs a Bill and Katie Swan in their life. I mean really, these people know how to live out discipleship. It’s been inspiring and such a blessing to get to know them.

Here are some key takeaways from this week:

I’m getting older – Ha! Ok but really, I remember being able to run at 110 mph around here six years ago like it was no big deal, but this time around, I’m like give me all the coffee, all the naps and all the food. But for real, it’s been so refreshing.

Johnny is my favorite human – We have laughed SO HARD all week. Our training team is top knotch and our fellow trainees are like the best people and every person who has trained us, I literally want to adopt. And on top of all that, Johnny’s jokes have just been so on point this week. Literally, my laugh cup is overflowing.

Gainesville is beautiful – This place is a hidden gem. We love it. It’s beautiful, quiet, small town-y, and then boom you’re at Wilshire Trails and it feels like you’re in the Amazon. Never been so I don’t know for sure, but it’s what I dream it might look like.

God IS SO FAITHFUL – This past year was a hard year for my heart, and I don’t know how else to say it except that I just felt God’s presence this week. It was so good. 

Lastly, I was walking in the hall one of the first days and my old World Race coach, Seth, passed me and asked me how my heart was. It took me so off guard. You know, we or maybe I should say – I get so busy, I don’t really check in with myself or other people the way I should. I ask how they are, how the kids are, how the husband or job or whatever is happening in their lives is going – but I rarely look someone in the eye and ask, “How is your heart.”

Friends, it impacted me this week. I highly recommend it. It won’t just bless you, it’ll bless whoever you ask too. 

We will be coming back to our home away from home this summer (Gainesville) on July 8th for World Race Gap Year Training Camp. Please be praying that we will come in well rested, full of faith for what God has in store and that we will be His hands and feet to every one we get to work with. 

I am so thankful for Adventures, for the staff, the vision and for our God. My heart is so full. We love you all and are so grateful for your partnership as we chase God’s heart to the ends of the earth. 

7 responses to “Training Wrecked Us and Healed Us”

  1. So glad you guys have enjoyed your week. We are so blessed to have you joining the family!!

  2. Love this! I’m so glad everything went so well for you during training week 🙂